After much verbal abuse from my sister, I have decided to leave the beautiful albergue and bring you, dear reader, on down the Camino.
On a more serious not, I am flattered and humbled that people have read my blog on this Camino and are interested in how it unfolds. The initial reasons for the pause in updating this was simply the lack of internet access. I guess inertia explains the rest. However, dear reader, we must walk on.
As I mentioned in yesterdays blog, while I was on the bridge, soaking all of this up, who should appear but Carina Jacobi, the Swedish woman I crossed the Pyrenees with. It was great to see her and we spent an enjoyable time catching up and had a delightful lunch. I have decided to stay here. The albergue is a very beautiful building that used to be the chapter house of the knights of the Order of Saint John. She has decided to go on to Astorga but we had a very nice lunch. She made an interesting comment during lunch: "We are on the camino to meet ourselves and to have a conversation with ourselves ...... and to listen to ourselves."
Later in the afternoon, I met Jacques from Trois Rivieres, a German priest named Fr. Winfrid and a fellow Torontonian - Joe Porcelet. We had a great dinner together. Went to bed and slept well.